He Still Speaks Now Listen

Tears of a Black Male
Black Lives Matter Protesters Defy Restraining Order, Force Lock down at Mall of America and Cause Problems at Airport.
I read this story and was emotionally and spiritually upset. Not upset in an angry way that would make me cause problems for law-abiding citizens.
Truth is, the answer is not emotions of what we want. Before I start as to why I decide to write about the above heading, let me define some words to bring home a point.
Defy means to resist or confront with resistance.
To resist means to stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something.
To express opposition through action or words.
Restraining Order means a (law) a court order forbidding someone from approaching or contacting another person.
Force means a powerful effect or influence.
Lock down is the act of confining prisoners to their cells (usually to regain control during a riot
I read this story and was disappointed. As I continue, tears flowed from the corner of my eyes, and I shook my head. When I finished I was reflecting on what happened. Anxiety causes me to get to bed early. I lay in the bed as the tears flow from my eyes. I wondered where the responses from the black leaders are.
What the BLM protestors did is criminal, yes, criminal. All states have local and state laws. For example, the state of Ga, has 16-7-21 criminal trespass, 16-7-22, Criminal damage to property. I, Criminal damage to property II, and 16-11-39 disorderly conduct an action that disturbs others, loitering, disturbing the peace, and loud threats or parties.
When any group defies a restraining order and violates the above laws, they should be arrested. No group has a right to defy a restraining order issued by the court. To resist, to defy, is saying to the court what you think, believe, are wanting, to supersede a restraining order. In addition, you can do whatever and not be responsible because Black lives matters or white life's matters, if anyone has a problem with a restraining order, they should file a court response.
What if the KKK resurfaces in a force when the group was founded and did what the black lives matter, protesters did? I’m sure we would hear nonstop 24-hour news coverage of white individuals defying a court order, causing problems that lock down a mall, occupying the streets, and causing problems at Airport because they believe that white lives matters. Then those who say they speak for the black race would come out of the dark to protest the KKK behaviors. Black lives matter protesters or any group is not willing to obey a lawful court order when they seek to cause chaos.
I know that what I am saying would not be considered by some to be acceptable. We as a race of people need to speak up when we see anyone breaking the law. Who are we to say that we have exclusive rights to do whatever because of our race and the facts, witnesses, video evidence, eyewitness statements do the matter?
When some people or any group refuses facts, you can be sure that they have an agenda that is not good in the Black community or nearby areas.
Some black individuals had to decide to be played by some whites and blacks who are hidden behind the scenes. It is in their best interest to have the disorder.
Update: I read the following after I wrote the above message. “Very, Very Dangerous’: Activist Claims Mall of America Protest Just ‘Decoy’ So Black Lives Matter Could Accomplish Ultimate Goal. I was outraged after I read the following paragraph, “We accomplished exactly what we came here to accomplish – we wanted to shut down the highway, shut down the airport and show solidarity with other Black Lives Matter groups,” Michelle Barnes of Minneapolis, one of the protest organizers, told the Star Tribune.
“The mall was a decoy,” said Black Lives Matter organizer Miski Noor, who protested at the airport. “I think it was really effective.”
Police said 15 people were arrested at both sites, mostly for trespassing or obstruction of justice. No injuries or property damage was reported. Officials said that traffic to the airport was back to normal by Wednesday evening and that about 80 stores in the mall were closed for about an hour as officers escorted protesters off the property.
“We accomplished exactly what we came here to accomplish – we wanted to shut down the highway, shut down the airport and show solidarity with other Black Lives Matter groups,” Michelle Barnes of Minneapolis, one of the protest organizers, told the Star Tribune.”
I must rely upon the truth to wipe away my tears.
Read my book, From the Eyes of Cop, Black Lives Matter. It is very interesting, and you can learn from it.